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Are You Offering Segmented High End CBD Products?

The market will still demand both commodity and premium brands, but it will become exponentially more difficult to win at the commodity level when big players start taking more market share. 

When your competitors figure this out, they’ll start aiming higher, and there will also be a race to the top. You can prepare for this now, by creating high end product lines that truly stand out.

It starts with choosing a supplier who aligns with your values and mission.

Premium products in the CBD space go beyond their effects. The industry needs brands looking to challenge the status quo. Companies that want to push the industry forward will be the ones who dominate the market.

Companies who lack transparency and full-panel testing on everything that leaves their facility will fuel the commodity market. Meanwhile, you can create clean products with nothing you wouldn’t want in or on your body, with full panel COAs in tow.

It’s critical to own your own lane. 

This all starts with listening and understanding what your customers need from you the most. Understanding what they need is key to your company’s survival.

Listen and lead with empathy. Then pose real solutions through segmented products that are effective, clean, and traceable.

Boutique, premium, or craft products will always hold their weight in the market. Premium will always survive.

Whether it’s craft coffee, craft beer, or your craft CBD line. There will always be a lane for customers who truly believe in the products they're buying.

Partnering with the right manufacturer who shares the same vision allows you to focus on creating unique touch points with your customers and drive revenue. Meanwhile, a partner like NuSachi is creating the products you can stand behind, that your customers will love.

It all starts with a simple question: “Who do I love to serve and what do they need the most?” 

If you love serving customers who need the best products available on the market, but it’s time to find that perfect contract manufacturing partner who can make those products to your high standards, get in touch… we’d love to hear from you!