Build Better CBD Products

Build better premium CBD products

It’s time to aim higher, think different, and rise above the competition with something truly special. 

In a world where formulations often lack intent or get made with cheap ingredients, and empty buzzwords are considered “marketing”, products with real benefits can truly sell themselves. 

There’s an amazing opportunity to stand out and create lifelong raving fan communities of customers who buy again and again because of how impressive the product is. do you do it?

It starts with quality. Great inputs yield great outputs. 

For brands who’ve had issues with their current suppliers around quality, this should instantly make sense.

Making the switch and finding a supplier with a quality-first mentality will simplify your entire business.

Not having to worry about the consistency or quality of your product allows you to get back to what you should be doing--increasing revenue and taking care of your customers.

After all, if it’s not good enough for you, is it good enough for your customers? And if you’re like us, you probably care a lot about what goes in, and on, your body. This is why quality matters: your customer should feel like an extension of your family, or your own self, and our clients only want the best for the ones they care about.

We can see where the industry is headed. Products formulated with intent and efficacy will dominate the CBD world.

So if your products can’t be traced through a vertically integrated supply chain with full traceability and COA’s, you may need to press pause for a second.

Truthfully, there will always be two lanes. One for quality brands who want to help people and one for cheap brands who only chase cash.

When the dust settles though, the brands who have committed themselves to having the best products on the market are the ones who win… and ironically, the ones who end up with all the cash.

Understanding this idea early gives you a leg up on your competitors.

Before you sign that contract for your next reup on gummies, ask yourself, “am I premium?” And if the answer is yes, ask yourself “are my products truly living up to who I am?” 

Your answer to that question puts you in one of those two lanes.

Choose wisely.


Are You Offering Segmented High End CBD Products?


Hold Your Ground