6 Things You Might Not Know About Full Spectrum CBD Gummies
One of the most popular forms of CBD to emerge from the market’s recent boom has continued to be full spectrum CBD. But what is full spectrum CBD, and what makes it more appealing? The folks at NuSachi put our heads together and picked our top 6 things most people don’t know about full spectrum gummies…
How to Choose The Best CBD Gummies in 2021
Not all gummies are created equal. A high-end CBD gummy should be as delicious as it is effective, especially since the bitter taste of CBD extract can bring complaints from your consumers. Make sure your gummies have some “yum” going for them. Is your manufacturer offering a choice between plain cherry or grape? Or do they have a selection of artisanal flavors available that are chef-inspired and CBD specialist formulated?
What to Look for in a CBD Private Labeler or Wholesaler
If you’re considering the CBD market as your next business opportunity, partnering with a CBD private label manufacturer or white label wholesaler is the fastest and most effective way to jump into the industry. But do you know what to look for in a CBD private labeler or wholesaler? NuSachi does, and we’re here to let you in on our best tips for choosing a CBD supplier.
There’s a Problem With Mass Produced Gummies…
We started tasting products from some of the biggest names in the industry that are making big promises, and… (shocker!) we quickly realized they fall drastically short on taste and quality. We won’t embarrass anybody but let’s just say, you’ve likely trusted these brands for a very long time…
Are You Thinking Different?
The ones who dominate the markets and change the world do so because they believe that it’s not good enough to be status quo. They make it their mission to do something truly unique, disruptive, and special...and they take massive, radical action. You can do this too…
Are You Offering Segmented High End CBD Products?
Premium products in the CBD space go beyond their effects. The industry needs brands looking to challenge the status quo. Companies that do so will dominate the space.
Build Better CBD Products
We can see where the industry is headed. Products formulated with intent and efficacy will dominate the CBD world. Read more about building better CBD products…
Hold Your Ground
Apple changed the world with a very simple idea: a belief that inspired their competitors to improve, and inspired millions to reach for something greater, to hold their ground, and to dream. They believed it’s not good enough to be “status quo”. More than just a great idea, it’s a total necessity to challenge the status quo…
Score Your Supplier...
...with this handy 7-question checklist. Score less than 70%? It's time to upgrade your supply chain with NuSachi's highly customizable product formulations…
A Quick Guide to Types of Cannabinoids in Hemp Products
Here’s a quick guide to some of these top cannabinoids in hemp products today. We kept it simple, so it’s a quick read. When you’re ready to do a deeper dive with a NuSachi Product Formulation Specialist, let us know by filling out the short form at the bottom.
Fostering Land Stewardship in Hemp Cultivation
Land stewardship goes beyond the “how” of what to do for a good crop, and defines the bigger “why” behind sustainable agricultural practices. Land stewardship is a fundamentally ethical approach to preserving your land over time… everyone wins, from the consumer to the farmer to the Earth itself.
Turn Your CBD Distillate Into a Product
Sitting on a stash of concentrated hemp-derived extract, rich in cannabinoids, primarily CBD? Congrats! You’re the new owner of a pile of CBD distillate…
The Hemp Processing Supply Chain is Changing
In 2019, almost overnight, the price of biomass crashed. Some farmers, in an effort to protect their crops as best as they could, attempted to move into extraction. While these farmers might know how to grow hemp, some needed help learning how to grow a business...
Finding The Right CBD Oil Processor For Product Formulation
Sure, everybody has biomass. And there’s plenty of extracts to go around. Crude, CBD Distillate, CBD Isolate, and any number of other options, are getting easier to come by. One thing that’s hard to come by is a great CBD processor or formulator. ..
The NuSachi SOLAR System Explained
We set out on a mission to prove the #poweroftheplant with a completely clean supply chain from seed to bottle, and ended up building an entire SOLAR System: a new, proprietary, solventless extraction process in the hemp/cannabis space.
Healthy Hemp Soil, Healthy Oil
Our formula is simple: Potency + Purity = #PlantPower, and we are proving the #poweroftheplant by doing the hard things first...
We Believe in the Power of the Plant
We have a simple mission: prove the #poweroftheplant. We also believe in letting the plant “speak”, with the least amount of interference possible. Our goal is always to let each strain, each plant we cultivate, have its own voice in the final product...